Thursday, September 24, 2015

Blog Post #1 - Commentary on ‘Destroyed’ by Peter F. Martin

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Gurr 1

Brittaney 'Britainy' Gurr

Professor Melinda Schroeder


September 24, 2015

Blog Post #1 - Commentary on ‘Destroyed’ by Peter F. Martin 

1) To summarize Peter Martin’s piece for the Yale Daily News, I would say that he describes the 

general populous view on steroid use in sports. He then forms his own personal opinion, unfolding it 

before the reader, based on not just the effect it has on the sport, but mainly the long term negative 

effect on the user. He also touches on the difference between what are actually just safe performance 

enhancing supplements versus steroids that have consequences later on in life. He goes on to suggest 

that that might be something that should be taken into account and possibly revised. 

2) In the tenth paragraph Mr. Martin talks about how steroid use ruins the sport of the game by 

cheating, but more than that destroys the players by compromising their health. (pg. 582)

3) My favorite quote from this article brings light to not only the ethics, but the heart of a healthy 

competitive sport. “It is the players, much more than the games, that we must protect.” (pg. 582) 

like this because it is my opinion that sure, steroids are cheating and cheating is detrimental to any 

competition. However, without the health of our players, we don’t even have a game. 


  1. Brittaney:

    With summaries, leave out the personal pronouns. Although you're putting everything into your own words, you still need to remember that you don't want to use personal opinions in your summaries.

    Your paraphrase is short and sweet, but it gets the direct point across. The parenthetical citation is incorrect, though. It should not include "pg." but rather just (582).

    Good reflection on the last part.
